How to Draft A Winning Letter to Expired Listings in Manhattan

How to Draft A Winning Letter to Expired Listings in Manhattan

Being a realtor in Manhattan can be challenging and yet rewarding with all the buzz of life happening around you. There are so many properties changing hands and new listings expire each day leaving you with so many options for new clients. If this field of expired listings specifically is something you’re trying to break into, here are some few tips on drafting a letter.


A letter to those expired listings is a crucial step to winning over these frustrated sellers to become clients. You’ll need much more than a letter. You’ll need to be sending things like postcards, testimonials, making phone calls and doing follow up visits. However, this letter is a good tool to have in your arsenal.

Step One: Create a more generic letter first

Having this on hand is a lifesaver. Draft a letter that hits on all the major points. This is a template. Craft a stellar introduction to yourself and what you offer as a real estate agent specifically operating in the unique area of Manhattan. You’ll want to be as specific in what you can offer as possible while remaining generic about the seller for now. Write down facts of past sales, track record, maybe a testimonial or two. Show off who you are and your real estate talents and techniques.

Step Two: Tailor the letter to each expired listing

Once you have this template down, as the expired listings pop and once you’ve maybe reached out via phone or a postcard, go ahead and send them a letter. Use this general form but tailor it to the expired listing your targeting. Speak directly to their property and research why you don’t think it sold. Write a couple points in the letter specifically addressing those issues and what you can bring to the table. It will mean a lot to these worn out sellers that you’ve been researching and brainstorming ways to help them and their unique situation.

Step Three: Speak briefly about what the company in general has to offer

While you don’t need to spend much time on this one, it’s not a bad idea to fit in a couple lines of text detailing what the company in general can offer. Perhaps you have access to more marketing tools through your company. Maybe this company gets a lot of exposure and that’s something they struggled with before. Let these sellers know all about what you are bringing and what makes you unique.

Having a drafted letter ready to be tweaked for each new expired listing is a huge time saver and game changer. It will help you be more efficient in your pursuit of winning over sellers to become your clients in Manhattan.

*ExpLiMO provides high quality leads on a daily basis and offers a unique opportunity for Manhattan real estate agents to prospect for expired listing leads and grow their business exponentially.