There are several great pieces of advice out there for your work of prospecting to expired listings in Manhattan. How to write letters, when to reach out and how to follow up, for example. But what about the daily grind of work that sometimes feels exhausting and as if you’re going nowhere? All those expired listings each day coming in, and how do we realistically obtain as many as possible as clients. That’s a nice goal but it’s too vague, what does it actually mean?
It’s important to break down our larger, vague goals into smaller and more manageable pieces. This keeps us focused on a reachable target as well as empowering us to attain those smaller steps towards the larger picture.
1. Write down your goals.
Writing down goals is key. There’s something about putting our ideas to paper where they are now concrete and visual that helps take them out of only the abstract. They are in front of you and reminding you daily about what you’re working towards. You could write: “practice scripts for expired listings 10 minutes each day,” or a weekly target of, “knock on 10 doors this week to talk to more expired listings”.
Writing down your goals helps to combat distraction as well. It focuses you so you can hone in on these targets while eliminating time you’d spend wondering what to do next and wasting time.
2. Keep them specific.
You want to keep your goals to the point. Don’t be vague or dance around the issue. Instead of writing, “make more contacts this week,” write something like, “call 15 new expired listingstoday to reach out.” Instead of writing, “be proactive about following up,” write, “send personalized expired listing letters to 5 potential clients today.” These types of goals will help you stay on track to reaching larger goals of getting more clients on board and growing your business.
3. Keep them attainable.
While you want to set good and even lofty goals for yourself to inspire and invigorate your work, you don’t want them to be off in the clouds somewhere. Write down attainable targets. Perhaps you want to bring in more clients this year overall. Create a timeline for that goal. How many clients do you want to have per month? What will you do to ensure you’re hitting that number? For example, if your goal is to have 10 new clients on board in a year’s time, perhaps a smaller, attainable goal is to strive for at least 10 listing meetings in person per month. This will steer you towards reaching out in person and having presentations prepared for them. And if you’re meeting with 10 listings per month, your chances of bringing on more clients in the year increases.
Make it measureable. If you do the above example of meeting with 10 expired listings in a month in person, start to track your results over the next few months and year. How many of those 10 each month are you able to bring on board as new clients? So what will your average be for the year? Then you can adjust your goal setting according to the measurable results.
4. Create daily schedules built from your goal-setting.
Now that you have some goals, block out times each day devoted to the tasks you need to accomplish. If you want to call 5 listings today, block out time in your schedule to practice scripts first and then make the calls. Or maybe today a goal is write an expired listing letter as well. So block out that time. Create a routine and a schedule to help you focus and stay on track.
Setting realistic, attainable and measurable goals for our lives and business is so fundamentally important to our success. Implement these tools to get you started on more concrete goal setting today and watch your business start to expand!
*ExpLiMO provides high quality leads on a daily basis and offers a unique opportunity for Manhattan real estate agents to prospect for expired listing leads and grow their business exponentially.